Storage Lab
Storage Lab is a research hub for electrical energy storage. We investigate the future cost of storage and the value it can provide to low-carbon energy systems. Our projects combine academic research with industry expertise to develop meaningful economic and system-relevant insights on electricity storage. Storage Lab is led by Dr Oliver Schmidt.
Oliver presents key insights from his new book "Monetizing Energy Storage" at the University of Glasgow - 12.07.2023
Oliver speaks about "Storing Energy at Utility-Scale" at Emerson's sustainability webinar series - 10.05.2023
Chemistry World contributes an article on long-term energy storage referring to research by Storage Lab - 24.04.2023
Oliver comments on gravity-based energy storage for an insights article at PV magazine - 04.03.2023
PV magazine speaks to Oliver in a 5min video about his outlook for energy storage and electrolyzers.- 02.02.2023
Connected World looks at the role of energy storage and distribution in future power grids - 10.01.2023
Energy Storage Global Conference 2022 features discussion on contractual models for energy storage in C&I applications - 13.10.2022
WIRED publishes on gravity-based energy storage solutions, including insights derived by Storage Lab - 04.01.2022