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Storage Lab
15th International Green Energy Conference.
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 12.07.2023.
Monetizing Energy Storage: A Toolkit to Assess Future Cost and Value (Download)
Emerson sustainability talk.
Webinar. 10.05.2023.
Storing Energy at Utility-Scale - An Overview (Download)
Smart Energy Forum.
Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic. 19.11.2019.
Projecting levelized cost of electricity storage technologies and their profitability (Download)
Fueling the Circular Economy.
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW), Berlin, Germany. 16.11.2019.
Energiespeicher – Technologien & Anwendungen (Download)
Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaft (DIW), Berlin, Germany. 10.05.2019.
Revenues and potential profitability of electricity storage. (Download)
International Renewable Energy Storage Conference.
Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany. 12-14.03.2019.
Projecting The Future Levelized Cost Of Electricity Storage Technologies. (Download)
Power Swarm.
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 15.11.2018.
Projecting levelised cost of storage - a basis to determine future value? (Download)
Power Swarm
Energy Storage Global Conference 2018.
European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), Brussels, Belgium. 24-26.10.2018.
Valuing Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage (Download)
Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany. 27.07.2018.
Future cost of electricity storage in power system applications. (Download)
EU4Energy Policy Forum.
Karven 4 Seasons Resort, Issy-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. 26-28.06.2018.
Future cost of electricity storage and impact on competitiveness. (Download)
Energy Systems Conference 2018.
QEII Center, London, United Kingdom. 19-20.06.2018.
Future levelised cost of storage in power system applications. (Download)
EnerSTOCK 2018.
Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey. 25-28.04.2018.
Cost trajectories for electrical energy storage technologies. (Download)
UK Energy Storage 2018.
Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom. -28.04.2018.
The impact of electricity storage on CO2 emissions in the British power sector. (Download)
IEA - Noon Talk.
International Energy Agency, Paris, France. 08.02.2018
Future cost of electricity storage and the impact on storage competitiveness. (Download)
ata Insights - Skills Development Program for Renewable Energy Professionals.
Webinar. 01.02.2018.
The latest innovation in bulk storage technologies. (Link)
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Energy Summit.
Crown Plaza Brussels, Brussels, Belgium. 24-25.01.2018.
Future cost and performance of electrolysis: An expert elicitation study. (Download)
H2FC Supergen Research Conference 2017.
University of St. Andrews. St Andrews, United Kingdom. 11-13.12.2017.
Future cost and performance of electrolysis: An expert elicitation study. (Download)
REFLEX-Workshop: "Technological Learning in the Energy Sector"
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, German. 08.11.2017.
Experience Curves for Electricity Storage. (Download)
Science in the City.
Bank of America Merril Lynch, London, United Kingdom. 19.10.2017.
Research Insights on Electricity Storage.
12th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems.
Hotel Valamar Lacroma, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 4-8.10.2017.
The future cost of electrical energy storage based on experience curves. (Download)
15th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) European Conference.
Hofburg, Vienna, Austria. 3-6.09.2017. (Download)
Future cost of energy storage and its impact on CO2 emissions from the power sector.
Bergen Economics of Energy and Environment (BEEER) Research Conference
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway. 22-23.05.2017.
Cost projections for electrical energy storage.(Download)
Energy Storage 2017.
Renaissance Hotel La Defense, Paris, France. 7-9.2.2017.
Cost projections for electricity storage to assess future business cases.(Download)
UK Energy Storage 2016.
Birmingham University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 13-15.12.2016.
Cost-effective electricity storage. (Download)
BIEE Conference. Innovation and Disruption: the energy sector in transition.
St John's College, Oxford, United Kingdom. 21-22.09.2016.
Cost projections for electrical energy storage. (Download)
Doctoral Training Partnership Conference 2016.
King's College, London, United Kingdom. 01-02.09.2016.
Cost Projections for electrical energy storage.
Energy Systems Conference 2016.
QEII Center, London, United Kingdom. 14-15.06.2016.
Future cost of energy storage and its value in low-carbon energy systems. (Download)
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